Agricultural Chemicals
We offer a comprehensive range of organic silicone, super spreading wetting agent, mixing additives, antifoams, surface active chemicals, acidifier and pH indicator that help increase the crop performance and at the same time the crop quality significantly.
We offer the best solutions and technical support to the our customers.
Super Spreading Wetting Agent
YLK SWA 4884: YLK SWA 4884 superspreading wetting agent, which has been developed to improve the wetting and spreading of agricultural chemicals, may be used as a component in agrochemical formulations. YLK SWA 4884 provides very low surface energy, rapid spreading and wetting.
YLK WA 4877: YLK WA 4877 which has been specially formulated as a spreading agent for agriculture industry, provides low surface energy, spreading and wetting.
Organic Silicone
YLK OrgaSil 238: YLK OrgaSil 238 organic silicone has been used to enhance the performance of wetting, spreading and penetration of agricultural chemicals. YLK OrgaSil 238 is nonionic in nature, making it useful with a broad range of agrochemical formulations.
Compatibility Enhancing Agent
YLK OrgaLink: YLK OrgaLink separates the individual elements through a process which disassociates the ions making them soluble and available. This product enables successful tank mixing of many fertilizers, which are usually reactive and precipitate when mixed together.
YLK OrgaZinc:
Acidifier and pH Indicator
YLK pH Indicator: YLK pH Indicator is multi-functional adjuvant that counters the detrimental effects of high pH and hard water on sensitive pesticides. This product adjusts water pH as the level of 4.5 – 5.5. It works by acidifying alkaline water and neutralizing salts present in hard water, which can impact, spray efficacy.
Antifoam Agents
YLK ASE 430: YLK ASE 430 silicone antifoam emulsion is very effective in many agricultural applications, as foam control agent for pesticides, during production, packaging and spray tank operations.
YLK ASE 415: YLK ASE 415 silicone antifoam emulsion is a medium viscosity emulsion that can be used in water-based systems, can be added directly in agricultural formulations without pre-dilution and mixed with slow to moderate agitations to ensure a complete and homogenous dispersion.